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Internal Audit

Internal Audit

Welcome to the Internal Audit

The Internal Audit Section was established in April 2014 in an effort to comply with good corporate governance. The Section reports to the Vice-Chancellor administratively and functionally to the Audit and Risk Management Committee of Council. It assists the Council and the University management in discharging their governance responsibilities by:
a. Performing reviews of the University’s governance processes.
b. Performing objective assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of risk management and internal controls.
c. Systematically analyzing and evaluating business processes and associated controls, and
d. Providing a source of information regarding fraud, corruption, unethical behavior and irregularities

Role of Internal Audit
The role of internal audit derive from the definition of ‘Internal Auditing’. Internal auditing is defined by the Institute of Internal Auditors as, an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. This is achieved through bringing a systematic, objective and disciplined approach in the evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. From the definition two distinct activities, assurance and consulting activities, can be noticed. These activities define the role of internal auditing. International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing define Assurance activity as a ‘service which involves the internal auditor’s objective assessment of evidence to provide an independent conclusions regarding a process, system or other subject matter. The nature and scope is determined by the internal auditor. While consulting activity is defined by the same standard as a service which is advisory in nature generally performed at the specific request of an engagement client. The nature and scope of the engagement is subject to agreement with engagement client. The role of Lupane State University is therefore to provide the two types of services to the Council and the executive management. Assurance service is generally provided to the Council through the Audit and Risk Committee. The objective of assurance service is to assure the Council on the integrity of information, systems and governance processes while consulting service is generally performed at the specific request of the executive management. In executing its role, the internal audit is guided by a Council approved Internal Audit Charter.


The objective of Internal Auditing is to assist the Council and executive management in the effective discharge of their responsibilities. To this end, the Internal Audit function furnishes management with analyses, appraisals, recommendations, counsel, and information concerning activities reviewed. To achieve this objective, Internal Audit will have free and unrestricted access to all University functions, records, physical facilities and personnel.
Authority of Internal Audit

As stated in the Lupane State University’s Internal Audit Charter, the Internal Audit function reports administratively to the Vice Chancellor and functionally to the Audit and Risk Management Committee. More detail regarding the authority of the Internal Audit Function is explained in the approved Charter.
Internal Audit is a staff function and has neither direct responsibility for, nor authority over, any of the activities reviewed. Therefore, an Internal Audit review in no way relieves management of any assigned responsibilities.
Because performance of line responsibility may compromise objectivity and independence, the Internal Audit does not perform non-audit work except under unavoidable circumstances. The Internal Audit is assigned the responsibility for carrying out an internal audit program as defined under ‘Responsibility of Internal Audit’ paragraph. This responsibility includes coordinating internal audit activities with external auditors and others to best achieve organisational and auditing objectives.
All requests for special (unscheduled) audits will be directed to the Chief Internal Auditor.

Responsibility of Internal Audit

while the responsibility to prevent fraud and abuse of University resources, setting up of a control framework and compliance rests with the executive management, the Internal Audit function is charged with the responsibility to:
• Evaluate the University’s governance processes
• Conduct an objective assessment of the effectiveness of risk management processes and internal controls framework
• Systematically analyze and evaluate business processes and associated controls
• Assess risks of fraud, corruption, unethical behavior and other irregularities
• Report to the executive management and Audit and Risk Committee on the observed situations and recommendation thereof made.
For more information on the on the purpose, authority, and responsibility of the Internal Audit within Lupane State University, you are kindly referred to the attached approved Lupane State University Internal Audit Charter.

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